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Welcome Therapists!

Welcome to our clinic, Humble Hearts Therapy, where wellness meets collaboration! We are two Psychotherapists in Mississauga creating a unique shared workspace tailored specifically for therapists and wellness practitioners like you. Our vision is to cultivate a supportive community where healing professionals can thrive, exchange knowledge, and collaborate on holistic approaches to well-being.


Join us in creating a nurturing environment where your practice can flourish while building meaningful connections with like-minded professionals. Together, let's elevate the standard of care and wellness in our community!

Room For Rent

Office space for rent in Mississauga. Private room suitable for private practice psychotherapists or wellness practitioners. Bring your own clients. Room is partially furnished.


Rent includes access to wifi, daily cleaning, cozy waiting room with refreshments for clients, and shared kitchen/break space designed to build community among the staff. Accessible building with free parking and a washroom on the same floor as the clinic.


Hourly & Daily Room Rental

Hourly and daily rental of a private room, suitable for private practice psychotherapists or wellness practitioners. Room is set up for individuals, couples and families; and has a desk for online work.


Includes access to wifi, daily cleaning, cozy waiting room with refreshments for clients, and shared kitchen/break space designed to build community among staff.

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